Business scrub ikana canyon
Business scrub ikana canyon

business scrub ikana canyon

For some reason, a bunch of mummies regret that they never got to have some Deku Nuts and bombs, or never got to eat a fish. Now this is one of the more annoying sections of the game. So, with thirty Gold Skulltulas dead and the morning of the first day all used up, I obtained my big ass wallet and proceeded to Ikana Valley to tackle the Gibdos' Well. I'm once again wishing that I had downloaded Majora's Mask on Virtual Console rather than play it on the GameCube disc. I had to restart the system and redo what little I had done on that day cycle.

business scrub ikana canyon

Actually, I began that bit twice because there was a game crashing freeze once again.

business scrub ikana canyon

Frankly, I meant to play through the Stone Tower, but I didn't make it that far.Īppalled that I had done the Ocean Spider House on the wrong day and not received the Giant's Wallet, I went to the ocean once again to complete that task. Anyway, on to Zelda!įor this post, I delved deeper into Ikana Canyon. Yeah, that's Spock owning Wolverine with a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. Oh, and for your amusement here's an image from a mid-90's Star Trek/X-Men crossover comic. But combine this with the fact that they're rebooting Wade Wilson's origins for Deadpool, which should film soon if Ryan Reynolds' schedule ever frees up, and the craziness that seems to be involved with X-Men: First Class, and it's pretty obvious that FOX doesn't give a rat's ass about maintaining continuity in its X-Men film universe. Frankly, I don't see how that's possible since you still have Hugh Jackman playing Logan (though I actually still think he's great in the role). He's called it a "stand alone" film, that "isn't connected" to its predecessor. Supposedly, Aronofsky is looking to really separate his film from the Gavin Hood-directed nightmare that gave us magic adamantium memory-erasing bullets and the horribly realized Wade Wilson/Deadpool. One of the things Aronofsky has done already is to change the title from something that probably would have been awful, like X-Men Kinda Origins: Wolverine Goes To Hollywood, to the simple title, The Wolverine. Aronofsky has worked with big screen Wolvie Hugh Jackman on The Fountain and it would seem that it was Jackman himself that got him the job. The guy who directed head trips and arftsy flicks like Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Fountain, and The Wrestler, is directing the sequel to the abysmal X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Business scrub ikana canyon